Friday, August 13, 2010

Song of the Day: Surfer Blood - Harmonix

Astro Coast is a 2010 album of the year candidate, and this is one of my favorite songs from the album. I thought it sounded familiar, and today I finally realized why - the intro (starting around the nine-second mark) sounds an awful lot like the beginning to Arcade Fire's "Neighborhood #2."  Not that they're trying to rip them off or anything - just a weird coincidence.  The rest of the song is very different, and I really like the use of harmonics (get it?) throughout the song.

P.S. You can compare and see if I'm crazy. Here's the Arcade Fire track:

P.P.S. At first I thought it sounded like something off of Sonic Youth's Experimental Jet Set. Not sure why - just wanted to throw that out there.

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