Friday, October 1, 2010

Song of the Day: Pavement - Trigger Cut

Last night I saw Pavement's reunion at the Hollywood Bowl (with Sonic Youth and No Age, no less), so today it's time for even more Pavement.  I was lucky enough to see Pavement a couple of times during their heyday, including a show at the Cat's Cradle and at Lollapallooza '95, where they were on the bill with Sonic Youth.  I bought all their CDs, then all the vinyl, and then all of the "redux" yeah, they're a big band for me.  But I honestly don't remember my first exposure to the band, but I think it was buying Crooked Rain after reading a positive review in Rolling Stone.  That quickly led to a Slanted & Enchanted purchase, and they became one of my favorite bands.

(Though admittedly, I was a little turned off by the Smashing Pumpkins and Stone Temple Pilots - two bands I enjoyed, and still do - disses in "Range Life."  At last night's show, they played that song, but Malkmus just sang, "dah dah dah Smashing Pumpkins dah dah" rather than the actual lyrics.  I'd love to know why)

It's damn near impossible to pick a favorite song, but today it's "Trigger Cut" off of Slanted, a song that showcases everything they do well - interesting guitar tunings, seemingly nonsensical lyrics, and catchy "choruses."

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